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Centre for Music and Science



Cheung, V. K. M., Harrison, P. M. C., Koelsch, S., Pearce, M. T., Friederici, A. D., & Meyer, L. (2024). Cognitive and sensory expectations independently shape musical expectancy and pleasure. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 379(1895), 20220420.

Cheston, H., Cross, I., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2024). Trade-offs in coordination strategies for duet jazz performances subject to network delay and jitter. Music Perception, 42(1), 48-72.

Cheston, H., Schlichting, J. L., Cross, I., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2024). Jazz Trio Database: Automated timing annotation of jazz piano trio recordings processed using audio source separation. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval.

Cheston, H., Schlichting, J. L., Cross, I., &; Harrison, P. M. C. (2024). Rhythmic qualities of jazz improvisation predict performer identity and style in source-separated audio recordings. Royal Society Open Science, 11(11).

Cheung, V. K. M., Harrison, P. M. C., Koelsch, S., Pearce, M. T., Friederici, A. D., & Meyer, L. (2024). Cognitive and sensory expectations independently shape musical expectancy and pleasure. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 379(1895), 20220420.

Eitel, M., Ruth, N., Harrison, P. M. C., Frieler, K., & Müllensiefen, D. (2024). Perception of chord sequences modeled with prediction by partial matching, voice-leading distance, and spectral pitch-class similarity: A new approach for testing individual differences in Harmony perception. Music & Science, 7, 20592043241257654.

Harrison, P. M. C. (2024) & MacConnachie, J. (2024). Consonance in the carillon. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America156(2), 1111-1122.

Jacoby, N., Polak, R., Grahn, J. A., Cameron, D. J., Lee, K. M., Godoy, R., Undurraga, E. A., Huanca, T., Thalwitzer, T., Doumbia, N., Goldberg, D., Margulis, E. H., Wong, P. C. M., Jure, L., Rocamora, M., Fujii, S., Savage, P. E., Ajimi, J., Konno, R., … McDermott, J. H. (2024). Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries. Nature Human Behaviour.

Jimenez, I., Kuusi, T., Ojala, J., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2024). The effect of chord duration on the relative salience of chord-type and voicing changes. Psychology of Music.

Jimenez, I., Kuusi, T., Ojala, J., Czedik-Eysenberg, I., Harrison, P. M. C., & Chander, A. (accepted). Effect of timbre on Goodness-of-Fit ratings of short chord sequences. Music Perception.

Marjieh, R*., Harrison, P. M. C.*, Lee, H., Deligiannaki, F., & Jacoby, N. (2024). Timbral effects on consonance disentangle psychoacoustic mechanisms and suggest perceptual origins for musical scales. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1482.

*equal contribution

Wilkie, H., & Harrison, P. M. C. (accepted). Reverberation time and musical emotion in recorded music listening. Music Perception.

Zhang, X. (2024). Tones shape notes: The realisation of lexical tones in Chaozhou songs. Psychology of Music.

Zhang, X. & Cross I. (2024). Singers’ realizations of linguistic tone in Chaozhou song. Ethnomusicology, 68(2).

Zioga, I., Harrison, P. M. C., Pearce, M., Bhattacharya, J., & Di Bernardi Luft, C. (2024). The association between liking, learning and creativity in music. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 19048.


Anglada-Tort, M., Harrison, P. M. C., Lee, H., & Jacoby, N. (2023). Large-scale iterated singing experiments reveal oral transmission mechanisms underlying music evolution. Current Biology: CB, 33(8), 1472–1486.e12.

Anstee, L., Müllensiefen, D., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2023). Handedness and musicality in secondary school students. Music Perception, 40(5), 373–394.

Spiro, N., Sanfilippo, K. R. M., McConnell, B. B., Pike-Rowney, G., Bonini Baraldi, F., Brabec, B., Van Buren, K., Camlin, D., Cardoso, T. M., Çifdalöz, B. U., Cross, I., Dumbauld, B., Ettenberger, M., Falkenberg, K., Fouché, S., Frid, E., Gosine, J., Graham-jackson, A. l., Grahn, J. A., … de Wit, K. (2023). Perspectives on musical care throughout the life course: Introducing the Musical Care International Network. Musicae Scientiae, 6.

Cross, I. (2023). Music in the digital age: commodity, community, communion. AI & Society.

Cross, I. (2023). Sharing uncertainty: Music in humanistic and scientific understandings. Musicae Scientiae.

MacIntyre, A. D., Lo, H. Y. J., Cross, I., & Scott, S. (2023). Task-irrelevant auditory metre shapes visuomotor sequential learning. Psychological Research, 87(3), 872–893.

Sanfilippo, K. R. M., Glover, V., Cornelius, V., Amiel Castro, R. T., McConnell, B., Darboe, B., Huma, H. B., Ceesay, H., Ramchandani, P., Cross, I., & Stewart, L. (2023). Expression of antenatal symptoms of common mental disorders in The Gambia and the UK: a cross-sectional comparison study. BMJ Open, 13(7), e066807.

Yu, C. G., Blackwell, A. F., & Cross, I. (2023). Perception of rhythmic agency for conversational labeling. Human–Computer Interaction.


Anglada-Tort, M., Harrison, P. M. C., & Jacoby, N. (2022). REPP: A robust cross-platform solution for online sensorimotor synchronization experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 54(5), 2271–2285.

Sanders, S., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2022). A case study investigating the interaction between tuba acoustic radiation patterns and performance spaces. Audio Engineering Society Convention 153

Silas, S., Müllensiefen, D., Gelding, R., Frieler, K., & Harrison, P. M. C. (2022). The associations between music training, musical working memory, and visuospatial working memory: an opportunity for causal modeling. Music Perception, 39(4), 401–420.

van Rijn, P., Mertes, S., Schiller, D., Dura, P, Siuzdak, H., Harrison, P. M. C., André, E. and Jacoby, N. (2022). VoiceMe: Personalized voice generation in TTS. Interspeech 2022.

Cao, E. L., Blinderman, C. D., & Cross, I. (2022). Reconsidering empathy: An interpersonal approach and participatory arts in the medical humanities. In T. Jones & K. Pachucki (Eds.), The Medical/Health Humanities-Politics, Programs, and Pedagogies (pp. 115–128). Springer International Publishing.

Cross, I. (2022). Music, memory and narrative: The art of telling in Tale of Tales. Animation, 17(3), 334–346.

Lillywhite, A., Nijhof, D., Glowinski, D., Giordano, B. L., Camurri, A., Cross, I., & Pollick, F. E. (2022). A functional magnetic resonance imaging examination of audiovisual observation of a point-light string quartet using intersubject correlation and physical feature analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 921489.

Robledo, J.-P., Cross, I., Boada-Bayona, L., & Demogeot, N. (2022). Back to basics: A re-evaluation of the relevance of imprinting in the genesis of Bowlby’s attachment theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1033746.

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